Tampa Auto Accident Attorney

The physics of car crashes are frightening. In addition to the two objects weighing thousands of pounds striking each other, you have the added issues of restraints and air bags. Add anything that might be floating around in the cabin and you have a recipe for potentially serious damage if something goes wrong.

While cars of today are safer today than they were in yesteryear, brain injuries and spinal cord issues as a result of auto accidents are still prevalent, unfortunately. The simple fact of the matter is that cars are big, heavy objects, and when the decelerate very quickly your body will be affected. Another minor issue: the weight of bulkier cars today adds to the amount of force exerted on your body.

Auto accidents constitute one of the key areas of my practice, and it’s my unfortunate experience that brain and spinal cord injuries are part and parcel of severe crashes. The problem is that with hundreds of pounds of metal encircling you, the rules about quickly treating potential neurological conditions runs into the need for jaws of life or similar cutting devices which can keep you from a stretcher and critical care.

These collisions are some of the more common areas where traumatic brain injury and spinal cord injuries take place for many people, across demographics and age ranges. So much of what we will be talking about here will look similar to  some of our other posts. What they will focus on is the exacerbating qualities that auto accidents can have on neurological issues and how you may deal with them differently in both a health and legal context than you would in other situations.